Guidelines for Canoeing and Other Water Sport Activities on the Rifle River

Transportation Policies

  • No alcoholic or other beverages allowed open in our transportation vehicles.
  • Refrain from horseplay, profanity & obscenities.
  • Keep cooler size to minimum that will fit in your lap.
  • No smoking allowed.
  • Water gun use prohibited. Waterguns must be empty to enter vehicle.
  • Do not throw any object from vehicle windows.
  • Violation of these rules will get you a one way ride back to your vehicle with forfeiture of your rental fees and/or security deposits, and in some instances no ride at all. Enforcement of these policies will be under the discretion of management.

Safety Policies

  • No diving from docks, river banks, canoes or bridges.
  • Absolutely no glass bottles, styrofoam coolers, water balloon launchers or balloons.
  • Watch out for children at all times, know where they are and what they’re doing.
  • Non-swimmers and children 6 years old and younger must wear a life jacket at all times.
  • Do not stand in a canoe. Always keep your center of gravity as low as possible and don’t grab at low hanging brances
    or obstacles in the river to avoid capsizing your canoe.
  • Use paddles for paddling your canoe, not as clubs for splashing, or noisemakers by pounding the bottom of your canoe.
  • If you accidentally overturn a canoe, always stay on the upstream side of your craft to avoid being pinned into a log jam
    or other river debris.
  • Conditions along the river can be slippery. Watch your step while embarking or disembarking from your watercraft.
    Always use the safest path or path of least resistance to your canoe or back to your vehicle of transportation.
  • Do not ram canoes into each other.
  • Do not take valuables on the river. Lock them in your car and secure your keys in a safe place.
    Don’t take car keys on the river.
  • Wear tennis shoes or water shoes while on the river.
  • No climbing or sliding from steep embankments.

Conduct Policies

  • Property owners deserve respect. Absolutely NO trespassing! Residents along the river are friendly and will always help
    in an emergency. Please don’t annoy them with minor requests.
  • You are responsible for your own actions at all times. Please refrain from rowdiness, excessive drinking, profanity and disturbing others. Use restrooms at appropriate places.
  • Do not litter. Fine for littering is $100.00. Trash should be kept in a garbage bag and secured in your watercraft.
    Please pick up litter left by the careless ones.
  • Do not harass other people on the river. Keep your actions confined to your own group.
  • Intentionally tipping a canoe is prohibited by law.
  • Floating with canoes tied together is a hazard.
  • If you meet a fisherman along the way, let him know you are behind him, then give him a wide berth
    and pass without disturbance.
  • Adults in charge are responsible for the conduct of their group and the return of their canoes and equipment to the livery.
  • When possible, please give a helping hand to other canoers or tubes in distress.
  • No cutting or chopping on any trees and do not damage any vegetation along the river.

Alcohol Usage

  • Kegs, party balls, glass bottles, etc. are not permitted on the river. Furthermore, it is unlawful to operate a watercraft in Michigan while intoxicated.
  • Most problems that occur on the river are alcohol related. We feel very strongly that if you’re going to drink,
    please do it responsibly.
  • Minors in possession of alcohol will be dealt with appropriately by the marine patrol.
  • Limit your alcohol intake to a safe and responsible level.

Late Return & Equipment Policies

  • Additional charges will be assessed for late returns of rental equipment. Charges are set by individual canoe operators. Check with individual operators for their times and charges in regard to late returns and lost or damaged equipment.
  • Safety, conduct and alcohol policies will be enforced by the management as well as the Arenac County Sheriff Department, Marine Patrol Division. Regular marine patrol enforcement will be conducted on the Rifle River this year.

Campground Guidelines & Policies

  • REGISTRATION: All campers and visitors must register before entering the campground.
    There is a charge for daily and overnight visitors.
  • VISITORS: Must register and pay appropriate fees. All visitors must leave the campground by 11:00 p.m.
    unless otherwise posted.
  • CHECK-IN & CHECK-OUT TIME: All campgrounds have a check-in and check-out time. Please check
    at your campground office for specific times.
  • SPEED LIMIT: The maximum speed limit is 10 miles per hour, except where otherwise posted. Please use caution
    and watch for children at play.
  • PETS: Dogs and other pets are permitted in campground ONLY when kept on a leash and kept under the immediate supervision of a responsible person.
  • QUIET HOURS: Are between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Campers who refuse to cooperate will be asked
    to leave the campground – NO refunds will be given.
  • RADIOS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC.: No loud music will be tolerated at any time. Radios are to be
    turned off at 11:00 p.m.
  • CAMPFIRES: Are allowed in firepits only, and must be attended at all times. Charcoal burners or grills are not allowed
    on picnic tables. Do not move firepits.
  • FIREWOOD: Is available at the camp store – due to past incidents, ABSOLUTELY NO outside firewood may be brought into the campground. No saws, chainsaws, axes or hatchets allowed.
  • PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY, NATURAL RESOURCES AND WILDLIFE: No person shall cut, chop, trim, remove or destroy any live, dead or downed trees or shrubs, (flowers and plants are included). No person shall injure, deface, disturb or in any manner destroy any part of any campground building, sign, structure, equipment or other property found herein. No person shall kill, trap, hunt or in any manner disturb any wild bird or animal while within the boundaries of the campground. VIOLATERS WILL BE PROSECUTED.
  • ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: May be consumed, in moderation, on your respective campsite. Open alcoholic beverages may not be possessed or transported on any campground road or parking areas.
  • FIREARMS AND OTHER WEAPONS: No person shall have in his possession or control a rifle, shotgun, pistol or other firearm, bow and arrow, slingshot, pellet gun, balloon launchers or air rifles within the boundaries of the campground.
  • OFF-ROAD VEHICLES: Dirt bikes, 3 wheelers, 4 wheelers or trail bikes are not allowed in the campground.
  • MOTORCYCLES AND MOPEDS: Are to be driven to and from campsite only – SLOWLY AND QUIETLY.
  • R.V.’s: Are not allowed to discharge wastewater on the ground. Please use dump stations.
  • WASHING OF VEHICLES: Is not permitted in the campground. This includes cars, trucks and recreational vehicles, etc.
  • MINOR CHILDREN: All children under the age of eighteen (18) MUST be at their campsite by 11:00 p.m. unless accompanied by an adult.
  • SWIMMING, BATHING AND WADING: Are done at your own risk. There is NO LIFEGUARD on duty! Absolutely no diving or swimming after dark.
  • DISPOSAL OF REFUSE: Please put all garbage, refuse and trash in the receptacles provided throughout the campground.
  • ROWDINESS, PROFANITY, ETC.: Rowdiness, profanity, excessive drinking or drugs will not be tolerated while on the campground property or on the river. You must be 21 years old to consume alcohol (Michigan Law).
  • TENT TRENCHING: Is not allowed.
  • HORSESHOE PLAYING: In designated areas only.
  • RESPECT: Your fellow campers.
  • FACILITIES: Are provided for your use and enjoyment. If you observe anyone destroying our facilities or property,
    please notify campground management IMMEDIATELY.
  • The management reserves the right to evict anyone from the premises for detrimental conduct and/or
    violating the above rules.

All campgrounds will be patrolled by Arenac County Sheriff Department

These guidelines have been endorsed and adopted by the following campgrounds and canoe liveries for your safety and enjoyment:

  • Big Bend Campground
  • Greenwood Campground
  • H & R Campground
  • Rifle River AAA Camping – Canoe Rental
  • Riverbend Campground and Canoe Rental
  • River View Campground and Canoe Livery
  • Russell’s Canoe Livery & Campgrounds Inc.
  • Troll Landing Canoe Livery & Campground
  • White’s Canoe Livery & Campground

The businesses above assume no liability or responsibility for the safety of their camping, canoeing, tubing, etc. customers. Risks to the customer could include many variables such as: weather conditions, poor judgement, acts of God, use of alcohol or lack of common sense.

The campground and canoe guidelines listed by these concerned businesses were made to help educate their customers for a more enjoyable experience.